Steve's Blog

I try to use this blog to record something about my life everyday.

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Name: Steve Brown
Location: Little Rock, Arkansas, United States

On December 31, 2007 I left my job with Sprint/Embarq where I worked as a Software Engineer for 15 years at the Sprint Campus in Kansas City. In January 2008 Mary and I started Steve Brown Ministries and started traveling the United States broadcasting "Live Video" of Revivals, Bible Conferences, Mission Conferences, and other Special Services. Mary and I enjoy serving the Lord Jesus Christ and traveling to churches as we minister through We are very pleased that our ministry is endorsed and we are sent out of our home church at Heritage Baptist Temple in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Bad Boy On The Hallelujah Diet

I feel very bad today about the Hallelujah Diet. I have been on the diet for a couple months and I have the first ever case of gout in my left big toe. My family blames the diet and think I'm crazy for staying on the diet after suffering for the last week with the gout. After much research I have left off the things in my diet that are high in purines which turn into uric acid. The uric acid is what crystallizes in my toe joint and causes the gout. I have also added things, like celery juice, cherry juice, lemon juice, cherries and potassium tablets, to my diet to lower the uric acid in my system. These past two days I have seen much improvement in the pain. It's not all gone yet but it is so much better. I just can not see going to the doctor when it is so much better.


Blogger anonymous said...

Your family may be on to something there about the radical diet promoted (for profit) by a person who is NOT a doctor and who has himself, recently suffered a stroke – an affliction that he claims his diet to prevent.

According to Stephen Barrett, M.D. (Medical Doctor) “Although low-fat, high-fiber diets can be healthful, the Hallelujah Diet is unbalanced and can lead to serious deficiencies. Reverend Malkmus' sales pitch includes beliefs that are historically and nutritionally senseless, as well as health claims for which he lacks appropriate substantiation. Using his diet instead of appropriate medical care is very foolish. “ Doctor Stephen Barrett’s comments are posted at

Monday, June 04, 2007 1:16:00 PM  

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